
Not all operationssurgery

take place in hospitals.

Some men,

like surgeons

so deftly trespass

on your life

your body 

          your soul

and never even

            stay for dinner.



This marvelous response showed up in comments all the way from Cairns, Australia.  If you have missed the opportunity to read this wonderful author, click on her link.  She has the gift of childhood memories as if through a microscope.  Thank you Colleen! 

by Colleen DuBois Colleen in Cairns

How often we allow them
to dissect our innards
heart and soul
We place our faith in their hands

With feigned innocence and wonder
(as they have performed this procedure
many times before)
they push and they pull

Meanwhile we wince and grit our teeth
reluctanct to reveal the pain
that doubles
when we are left the bill!

8 thoughts on “Surgery

  1. Hmmm…and how often we allow them
    to dissect our innards
    heart and soul
    We place or faith in their hands

    With feigned innocence and wonder
    (as they have performed this procedure
    many times before)
    they push and they pull

    Meanwhile we wince and grit our teeth
    reluctanct to reveal the pain
    that doubles
    when we are left the bill !


  2. I wish the surgeries were done with a scalpel, instead of them just going in and ripping things out, like hearts. Those are hard to repair!

    I have learned, through no real desire of my own, that I’m a good seamstress. 😉

    Great job on this, and you too Colleen!


  3. Thank you Sara. You always inspire me with your insightful words every time I visit your blog ! The words flow easily in response to your thoughts and musings. Kindred Spirits indeed !

    And thanks to everyone else too !


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